Dear Customer,
Harris-Montgomery Counties Municipal Utility District No. 386 (the “District”) offers each of its customers a Customer Notification System for the various situations that may occur during the course of any day. Catastrophic issues will be given top priority. The goal will be to alert you of pending situations as quickly as possible. Alerts may include notifications for situations such as watering bans or water contamination. The phone numbers and e-mail addresses you provide will be used in the notification process and will not be sold or used for solicitation purposes. This means you will be notified anywhere you are at that particular time, even if you are on vacation. We think this system will benefit all of our customers. To join, please click the button below and complete the form completely.
Questions? Call Municipal District Services, LLP at (281) 290-6507.
Thank you.
Harris-Montgomery Counties Municipal Utility District No. 386